Monday, February 15, 2010

Good Things

A lot of good things are brewing on "The Familiar" front.

First off, we've relaunched the website to include a few more applications: a screening page will show you when the next showing of the Familiar will be, and the Press page will be able to show you the latest reviews, interviews and articles written about the short.

On the festival front, we seem to be starting the new year pretty good. We got word that we've been accepted into Puerto Rico's Rincon International Film Festival, where "The Familiar" will be playing on beach front property with a pig roast dinner offered afterwards. That's pretty cool. I've also gotten word from Deborah Robinson (reviewer at Stalk 'n' Slash) that we will most likely be having our UK premiere at the Bram Stoker Film Festival (, and hopefully/possibly move on to The Abertoir Festival ( in November.

And then there may be some cool stuff happening as far as actually distribution -- hopefully I'll be hearing more on that soon.

I am knee-deep into writing the second draft of my haunted house film "The Hollow Season," and then onto working on another script (a horror comedy I'm tenatively calling "Strange Realm"), but after that, I will be sitting down to cut into the feature length draft of "The Familiar."

Seems like a busy plate so far.

As always


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